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A User Interface for every type of Agent with Omningage’s Desktop Designer Tool

Contact centres play a pivotal role in driving customer satisfaction and revenue growth. However, not all agents are “Customer Service” many sit in Sales, Collections, HR or Helpdesk roles. All require different metrics so, to meet the diverse needs of contact centre users, Omningage has introduced its shiny new ‘Desktop Designer’ tool.   The solution […]

Self-service: How to handle increasing volumes without breaking the bank

Context In the late 20th century, companies recognized that serving customers remotely was more cost-effective than serving them face to face. The contact center industry was born. Since then, interaction volumes have risen sharply, as has the number of agents employed to handle them. The greatest cost is people. Thomas Moroney, writing for Customer Think, […]

Measuring CSAT

The many faces of Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is one of the most talked-about KPIs in contact centres.  It’s also a broader concept. In this book, “Your call is important to us”, Boris Najafov mentions that at least 3 KPIs are considered to be CSAT measurements. The first is First Contact Resolution (FCR). […]

Improving Agent Experience

The “Great Resignation” Approaching 2022, organizations face a new human behaviour related challenge, the “Great Resignation”. Kate Morgan reported this for the BBC in July 2021: “A Microsoft survey of more than 30,000 global workers showed that 41% of workers were considering quitting or changing professions this year, and a study from HR software company […]

Gamification and Octalysis

Octalysis-based gamification – re-engage your agents in a hybrid working environment Agent engagement Traditional methods of engaging and motivating contact centre staff no longer work in a hybrid working environment. Agents are no longer physically grouped reducing the effectiveness of old methods such as playing background music to build an energetic atmosphere on the calling […]

Every Cloud has a Silver lining for Commercial-sized Contact Centres

The question The adoption of cloud-based contact centre solutions has  drastically accelerated with Gartner predicting that 50% of all contact centres will make the journey to cloud by 2022. ‘Why are so many Contact Centres adopting cloud-based solutions? What are benefits, what are the risks’? The challenge A typical commercial sized contact centre employs anything […]

Clouds on the horizon – fighting climate change

Climate change – the gathering storm While the COP26 Climate Change Conference recently dominated headlines, climate change has been on peoples’ minds for much longer. Sunny Dhami wrote an article about business sustainability in CallCentreHelper back in 2019 that is still relevant today.  Dhami described 5 reasons why business sustainability makes good business sense. Brand […]

Bring on the bots!

The human factor Most problems start with people. Cloud contact centres replace the fixed costs of an on-premises solution with flexible costs that rise and fall with call volumes. What about the people? Agent salaries make up more than 60% of a contact centre’s running costs. Employing part timers to work during peak hours is […]

OMNINGAGE Connect Email – Keeping the “Cinderella channel” on the road

omnichannel routing

E-mail – the “Cinderella” channel E-mail has been called the “Cinderella channel” of contact centres. As the first “digital” channel, it has also been called the channel that put the “contact” into contact centres. According to Hubtype, in 2017, e-mails were the second most popular communication method taking, on average, an 18% share of interaction […]

Omningage Connect and Chatbots – doing more with a lot less

Chatbots – origins and explanations Technology has always driven the contact centre industry. Contact centres allowed customers to contact companies from their own homes or offices without having to visit local branches. More recently, the development of the internet led to digitization and alternative communication channels. Webchat allowed customers to enjoy the instant response of […]

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